Machine Readable Files (MRF)

Machine Readable Files (MRF)

Machine-readable files are digital files that computers can read and process automatically, without any human effort. These files follow a specific format set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and are usually in JSON format. They contain detailed information about rates, benefits, and cost-sharing, but are not designed to be easily readable by people.

The Table of Contents is a CMS-approved format that combines both In-Network and Out-of-Network rate files. It includes links (URLs) where you can download these files. To find all available machine-readable files and their download links, use the search function below.

Find Files for an Organization

To view table of contents files for a specific employer group, you can search using an Employer Identification Number (EIN). When you enter an EIN, you'll see the URLs for the table of content files related to that employer. Each of the table of contents file can hold links to applicable In-Network Negotiated Rate file  and/or links to Out-of-Network Allowed Amounts File.

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